It was the grooviest of times. It was the grimmest of times.

My search for a literary agent continues. Now powered by leftover Halloween candy I purchased at half price. ;)

It's not all doom and gloom though, because I received the absolute best rejection letter ever. And no, it didn't have a blank check attached to it.

The agent was warm, friendly and provided such an incredible combination of complimentary and constructive feedback that I hardly felt rejected at all.

Okay, well maybe a bit. That's why the chocolate is in the house.

It also reminded me of how I felt at the LG Fashion Fusion event at Toronto's Fashion Week that I attended a week ago. There were bevvies, appetizers, fashions and Maroon 5 all rolled into one glam-packed evening.

Not only was I as giddy as a schoolgirl, I was also terrified at being found out as a poser instead of a true fashionista. What if someone asked me to even name one of the designers who showed that night? Heck, what if I was standing beside one of them while I cut up their catwalk creations?

Oh, and they served sausage rolls at one time, marking the low point of the evening. ;)

Where I'm going with this is that there were two moments during the event where things appeared to fall into place, putting everything within reach.

The first was during the bathing suit presentations...

And the other was when Maroon 5 was performing...

But destiny (in this case, security) blocked my path, saving me from total embarrassment and/or a handcuffed escort off the premises. At least my girlfriend Larisa took some great photos. We even picked out the holiday party dresses we'll buy when we win the lottery.

Isn't that what taking a risk is all about? Instead of moping over the rejection, I should be celebrating that I had the balls to send out my query, and then my partial, in the first place. If I hadn't taken a risk, I wouldn't have received some valuable feedback from an industry professional I truly respect.

That alone makes this dip in the road totally worth it.

Now I must get back to NaNo...

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